
Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Sacrifice: My effort to play with others

I watched the Sex in the City movie last night with two friends as the feature our first ever Girl’s Night. It was about 90 minutes too long. The movie is actually a whole 120 minutes of girlfriend torture, so I entertained myself by looking for inconsistencies in the plot and counting the veins in Sarah Jessica Parker’s man-hands.

Next time, I’ll bring the movie – does Frank Miller’s The Spirit count as a chick-flick? I’ve got my DVD-Guy minions on the prowl for a good copy to sell to me. Whoever brings it to my office first gets the 1 Dinar prize. Now go be good little pirates and bring me a DVD that won’t freeze my 3rd World Regional DVD player!

After watching that abysmal Sex movie I had the urge to un-materialistically clear out my closet and crammed dresser drawers, ditching the crap I never wear and those cute shoes that kill my feet. Okay, I admit that I did so while breaking in my brand new Diesel Sound ankle-boots that just arrived from, but those are awesome and I need to practice wearing heels before the next Girl’s Night.

As I weeded out some of my least proud purchasing decisions I came to the realization that I’d bought most of this stuff while trying to bond with other women. In an effort to make friends I resort to all sorts of un-me-like behaviors. One time I even agreed to go jogging with a 25-year-old practiced runner in 120 degree heat and 80% humidity, just because she asked me to. I threw up on my Asics – haven’t heard from that girl recently. But, mostly, I end up going to stores I’d never shop in otherwise and buying stuff I’ll probably never wear. Here’s a short list of shopping sacrifices:

Denim vest
Price: KD 15 ($55)
Store: River Island
Friend attempt: Monica,
the wife of my husband’s coworker.
Monica is a born shopper. She’d been in Kuwait for about 2 weeks when we decided to hang out and go shopping one night. Everywhere we went the sales clerks knew her by name. She is 5’9”, mostly legs and boobs, born in Yugoslavia and raised in Germany. On this outing I bought a denim vest that I’ve never worn once. I’m bummed that she moved back to Germany, but there’s no way I could have survived her mall fetish.

Western-style shirt
KD 12 ($44) On sale!
Store: Sfera
Friend attempt: Sarah,
the 22-year-old Graphic Designer at the magazine.
Sarah is a sourpuss. I didn’t realize this until later; after we had made several friend attempts and then concluded that we were just too opposite to stand each other. She was the person who inspired the description: “A personality that can blow out a sparkler.” I took her advice, against my better judgment, and bought a white cotton Western-style shirt that was 1 size too small. Now that I’ve increased my bench press to 3 sets of 80 lbs (yes, I’m bragging – that took a lot of work) it is way too small. I can’t even button it in the front and the shoulders feel like they’ll rip apart if I reach for the steering wheel too fast. She quit her job as our designer and I’ve not spoken to her since.

Black and white striped shoes
KD 3 ($11)
Store: Some cheap creepy basement place in Hawalli
Friend attempt: Zahra,
the former girlfriend of a friend of husband’s coworker.
Zahra has 3 or 4 mobile phones, each with a different phone number. I have no idea how she keeps them all straight and she’s always running out of credit on the number I use to call her. We actually are friends now and I’ve seen her through 4 apartments, 2 car accidents, 3 jobs, a couple of boyfriends and 1 total meltdown. She did her laundry at my house for 4 months and then we took a little break from each other. Now we go out for eating or stay in for cake-baking rather than shopping and she never leaves her soapy bras in my bathroom sink. She makes the best sheesha. I’ll keep the friend and lose the shoes.

I don’t have girlfriends like the characters on Sex in the City. Am I supposed to? Are girls supposed to aspire to be like those women, living a life based on the two l’s: love and labels? I think I’d prefer liquor and lunacy. Or maybe leather and lazers...

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