
Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Search for a Yoga Teacher… fil Koowayt: Joshy P. Joseph

All teachers need a teacher and all teachers need to be students of someone or something. It’s the only way we stay fresh. Someone once said that you must “return to the well” or your knowledge will run dry. That makes sense. And being humbled by our ignorance can only make us more compassionate to the struggles of our students. I stopped teaching because I am without a “well” and my bucket done run dry. So, I search for a teacher… in Kuwait.

That's me, to the left, back when I was yoga-awesome. Vain as it may be, I liked being able to float my entire body weight on my hands. I felt like, if I could do that, then I could definitely haul my own over-packed suitcase from trunk of the car to third-floor bedroom without pulling a hamy or something. I'd like to be yoga-awesome once again. Help me Joshy P. Joseph; you are my only hope.

Joshy P. Joseph is a yoga teacher in Kuwait. Even better; he’s Indian. That origin is distinct a plus if you ask a lot of yogis in the biz – let’s face it, learning from a guy with an accent feels more authentic, right? According to Joshy’s website,, he has “completed YIC [Yoga Instructors Course] from SVYASA Deemed University, Bangalore,India, and has substantial scholarship and handiness in Yoga and Meditation.” All nit-picky grammatical blunders aside, I like a yoga teacher with handiness in yoga. This could be good.

How Course Planned ?
Just make a call for fixing date and time . Deliver classes upto learners caliber . Usually single session contains 8 postures. Recommended one session weekly.

Where course conducting?
Learners have two options, you can come to salmiya studio or class will be conducted at your home/villa .

God bless the internet; everything I need to find a yoga teacher is right there on I made the call. No answer. No worries. I’ll start with email; less miscommunications anyway. I explained that I was a former yoga teacher and now work for a popular local magazine. My message received an excited response and he asked me to call later this week for to make fix the time.

Later that week I called and must have woke him up. At 11:00 am. Maybe he was meditating? He sounded groggy and disturbed and asked that I call him later that day. I called back at 3:30 pm. His bright greeting became perturbed annoyance as soon as I announced my name. He said he was very busy and couldn’t talk just then. I told him: “No rush, you have my number – take your time and call back when you’re free.” That was the last I heard from him. I called once more, emailed once more - nothing - and then, like the enlightened being I am, I took it personally.

I couldn’t let it go. How "yoga" is that? He led me on and then blew me off! I can sympathyze with not wanting to add anymore classes or not wanting to take on anymore students, but who turns down free, positive magazine coverage? There must be more to it and was determined to find out it was.

I involved a friend, an accomplice for my yoga teacher espionage. She called Joshy and scheduled a class for the following Saturday for her and a “friend.” I had it all planned out. We’d go and I’d bring the latest issue of the magazine with me, as if I’d just picked up for some casual reading, and bait him into commenting on it. Or that silly girl that works there… I would be cool and composed, of course, nonchalant and forgiving of the swami-wrapped yogi who just dogged someone he’d never met – a karmic faux pas much bigger than any website typos. We’d laugh it off and then I’d have a yoga teacher. I waited for Saturday.

Saturday came and went without a yoga class. The last conversation between my friend and the elusive teach was that they’d talk on Friday to confirm the class time and get directions, but Joshy didn’t answer his phone or return any calls or messages. Rascally P. Rabbit made the slip a second time.

I give. You can’t make someone like you, you can't do favors for someone who doesn't want them and you can’t make a teacher give you a class. Joshy, if you’re out there reading this, don't make me send C3PO after you too (he's really bad at yoga), please call back. Until then…

*All quotations from were taken as-is. In my research I discovered that Joshy P. Joseph is a very common name, especially among the computer programmer crowd. According to what I found, the teacher in question could be one of these two handsome fellas:

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